our organic & conventional celery
Celery is know for it’s long, green stalks that pack a crunch and taste of freshness with every bite. The leaves taste more earthy and bitter than the salty and grassy stalks. Celery is made of 95% water, which should be no surprise knowing how much water it needs to grow nutrient-packed. Celery is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as: A, K, C, potassium, and folate. It also has a low glycemic index.
our growing program
We grow our organic and conventional celery year-round - thanks to our diverse growing locations. Organically, we harvest our celery in 24ct, 3Oct, and 36ct sleeves, hearts can be found in a 2ct bag, and our organic sticks are packed in 12oz and 2.5lb options. Our conventional celery is packed naked, sleeved, or with twist ties in 24ct, 30ct, and 36ct, as well as in 900lb bins. Pacific celery sticks are packed fresh in 1lb, 20oz, and 2.5lb bags. We offer our conventional celery hearts packed in 2ct and 3ct sleeves. Pure Pacific Organic and Pacific celery are harvested straight from the fields and high-quality.
CONVENTIONAL SEASONALITY CHART (availability for sticks & hearts vary)
ORGANIC SEASONALITY CHART (availability for sticks & hearts vary)
Look for celery stalks that are well-formed and straight. Stalks should be rigid and not floppy. Avoid celery showing scarring, hints of gray, and/or yellowing leaves.
Since celery is 95% water, keeping moisture locked in is the key to keeping it fresh. For whole stalks or hearts, do not cut until ready to use. Wrap the uncut celery in aluminum foil to ensure the ethylene (natural gas vegetables cast) can escape. Store in the refrigerator crisper. If you have celery sticks, place the pieces in an airtight container filled with enough water to cover the celery. Replenish the water every other day.
From the stalk or hear, remove sticks and rinse thoroughly. If you plan to use the entire stalk, chop the end off and the sticks will naturally separate. Remove and discard unwanted ends and leaves. Cut each stick into 2-3 pieces for snacking or about 1/4 inch thick or smaller for salads, soups, and more.