our organic and conventional iceberg
Iceberg, also known as crisphead lettuce, is one of the most mild lettuce varieties. The heads are firm and tightly packed with thick, crisp leaves. The light green leaves are very versatile, which makes them perfect for hamburgers, sandwiches, shredding, and much more. Iceberg lettuce is an excellent source of manganese and potassium. You’ll also find significant sources of iron, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.
our growing program
Our organic and conventional iceberg lettuce is grown year-round in our various growing regions. We offer our Pacific, Pure Pacific Organic, and clear wrap iceberg lettuce in individually wrapped heads as well as a Pacific 2-count bag.
Look for firm, tightly packed heads that are bright green. Also notice that the head is heavy for its size. Avoid heads with leaves that are showing signs of rusting, broken ribs, or wilted ends.
Remove leaves from head, rinse, dry, and store in a closed container lined with paper towels. Heads can also be stored intact in the refrigerator crisper. Keep in mind outer leaves may wilt.
Firmly hit the core side of the lettuce down against your cutting board two to three times to loosen the core and pull it out. Separate the leaves, rinse, and dry. If using for a wedge salad, keep the head whole and slice in 1/4 - 1/6 depending on head size. For shredding, keep the head whole, slice in half, then work your way around each half cutting in thin slices.